Galaxy evolution with AO-fed multi-object IFU spectroscopy

Job Summary

Post-doctoral Positions and Fellowships
Saint Mary's University (Canada)
Astronomy & Physics
Number of Positions Available
Work Arrangement

Job Description

We invite applications for a postdoctoral position with the GIRMOS instrument and science team. GIRMOS is the next-generation multi-object IR Integral Field Spectrograph scheduled for first light on Gemini-North in 2027. GIRMOS will observe four targets simultaneously, fed by Gemini’s new state of the art GNAO Adaptive Optics system that is under simultaneous development. For a brief overview of GIRMOS visit

The postdoctoral fellow will joint Dr. Marcin Sawicki’s research group and the multi-institutional GIRMOS team, and will participate in planning the GIRMOS observing campaigns, in development of the GIRMOS data reduction pipeline, and in carrying out and analyzing GIRMOS observations. 

The fellow will have time for independent, self-directed research. They will also be welcome to join the ongoing research of the Sawicki group, which currently focuses around two related projects that probe galaxy evolution across cosmic time and in a range of environments: (1) very deep imaging and spectroscopic JWST Guaranteed Time Observations of galaxies in and behind five gravitationally lensing cluster fields; and (2) upcoming multi-wavelength evolution studies of very large samples of galaxies in the Euclid Deep Field North. For more information on our research please visit

To support their research, the fellow will have access to high-performance computing platforms, opportunities to apply for Canadian observing time on JWST, ALMA, Gemini, and CFHT, and access to funds for travel and publication costs. The appointment is expected to be for 4 years and to start in September 2024. 

Review of applications will start on 15 January 2024. Application materials should be emailed to [email protected] and should consist of a CV, a research statement, and a cover letter, all in pdf format. Applicants should also arrange for three referees to send reference letters directly to the same address. 

We appreciate and welcome diversity, and hire on the basis of research excellence and future potential. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all group members and encourage applications from all qualified researchers, including - but not limited to - women, visible minorities, Indigenous people, and people with disabilities. Delays in research due to - for example - illness or family responsibilities will be taken into consideration and applicants who have experienced such delays are encouraged to indicate their impact in their cover letters.

Application Details

Publication Start Date
2023 Dec 14
Application Deadline
2024 Jan 15


Marcin Sawicki