Postdoctoral Research Positions (m/f/d) in Computational Galaxy and Cluster Formation

Job Summary

Post-doctoral Positions and Fellowships
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
Number of Positions Available
Work Arrangement

Job Description

We invite applications for postdoctoral researchers to work on cosmological simulations of the formation and evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters, with a particular emphasis on the underlying physical processes. Funding for these positions is provided by the ERC advanced grant PICOGAL of Christoph Pfrommer that pursues a coordinated multi-scale approach, which combines plasma kinetic and global fluid models with the goal to understand the physics of galaxy formation in a cosmological context, including the interstellar, circum- and intergalactic media, galaxies, and galaxy clusters.

Qualifications and position:

Candidates with experience in theoretical and computational astrophysics and an interest (though not necessarily experience) in any of the aforementioned areas are encouraged to apply. Applicants need to have a PhD in astronomy, physics, or a closely related field by the beginning of the appointment. The initial appointment will be for two years with an expected renewal for a third year. Additional funds are available for computational equipment and travel. The position is anticipated to start in September 2024 (or sooner), but this is subject to individual arrangements.


To apply, please register at the AIP recruitment portal and follow the instructions to upload the following documents, all in PDF format: a cover letter motivating your application, your curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a plan of future research (max. 3 pages) and past accomplishments (max. 2 pages), and the names of three individuals willing to provide reference letters upon request. Applications received before November 15, 2023 will receive full consideration.

AIP offers flexible working hours and a cooperative working atmosphere. Equal opportunity is an integral part of personnel and organizational development at the AIP, and applications from scientists of all genders are encouraged. People with disabilities will be given preferential consideration if they are equally qualified and capable. The AIP values and promotes a respectful and tolerant working atmosphere, and has adopted a Code of Conduct.

Compensation and Benefits

Included Benefits

Salary and benefits are attractive and commensurate with those of public service organizations in Germany at the TV-L level E13, depending on the requirements of the collective agreement (professional experience and expertise), as well as the social benefits of the collective agreement for the public service (TV-L).

Application Details

Publication Start Date
2023 Sep 20
Application Deadline
2023 Nov 15


Christoph Pfrommer